We had such a wonderful week focusing on physical activity and nutrition. Thank you, families, for all your support with logging activity minutes and sharing your family's healthy eating activities. Our class was very excited everyday and our class participation rate was outstanding.
A number of our students dressed up for famous learner day.
On Friday we had our winter carnival. It was a day filled with fun, both inside and outside. We started the day with Ms. Arno, Mrs. Hart, Mrs. Woodward, Mrs. S., and Mrs. K.
We made rings in Olympic colors.
We made Olympic medals.
It was a gorgeous day outside and Mrs. M. helped us do some snow painting.
We made a healthy snowman snack.
Then we trudged up to the top field and had some great "luge" runs.
We danced and used exercise dice with Ms. Small.
We finished the day with a whole school assembly, cheering each other on, and celebrating our week of fun!